Ribbons Whitfield: Now, tell me about this project (if you've a moment)
Ryoken Vendetta: Sure :) Basically, the idea is bring a lil bit of SL into your RL and a bit of your RL into SL
Ribbons Whitfield: LOL I do that every day. LMAO Damn fax machine never rezzes right.
Ryoken Vendetta: Most people don't want the two lives to ever meet. This was a fun way to encourage them to take a step back and look at the balance between their lives... and hopefully merge them a bit more
Ryoken Vendetta: As for what people actually do... you make a 2 inch (or 5cm) cube and show the prim your real life. then you take pictures and/or video of the experience and submit them to the relevant Flickr and Vimeo groups I made.
Ryoken Vendetta: The cubes are aggregated at the blog http://ryo-baka.net/tpp and then also aggregated in world here. Eventually, for prosperity, http://ryo-baka.net/tpp/join-in/
Build a prim. Take it with you throughout your day and snap pics of it. Then share it baby, share it! The collection can be seen at MIT.